ETIAS & EES – What You Need To Know!

Travlaw, ABTOT, BCH and the CPT hosted a webinar breaking down and explaining the upcoming changes to travel across borders between the UK and the European mainland following the introduction of the ETIAS and EES schemes which are set to affect, well, everyone!
You will learn what the difference is between EES and ETIAS, who they apply to and what practical steps you need to take to make sure your trips run smoothly and customers avoid any issues. The new rules will apply to travel to the continent whether that is via road, rail or air.
Our experts on the day were;

  • Matt Gatenby, Senior Partner at Travlaw
  • Samantha Bradbury, Membership Director at ABTOT
  • Phil Smith, UK Coach Manager at Confederation of Passenger Transport UK
  • Amanda Harrington, Sales & Marketing Director at Bakers Dolphin

There were some questions we didn’t get around to answering on the day, but you can find those answers by clicking here!

And if you have any further questions or need some advice from any of our expert team, call 0113 258 0033 or email

This article was originally published on: 24 June 2024

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