Extended CJRS Guidance Published

Last night the long awaited Guidance for the extended Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) was published, further amendments to this Guidance are expected (see below).

This Guidance is available on the governments website. There are lots of similarity to the previous furlough schemes, however there are some new quirks and I wanted to draw to employers attention some points that are new. 

  • Alarmingly new wording has been introduced “The Government is reviewing whether employers should be eligible to claim for employees serving contractual or statutory notice periods and will change the approach for claim periods starting on or after 1 December 2020, with further guidance to be published in late November”. In short this means the scheme will yet again change from 1 December 2020, and be more akin to the Job Support Scheme (now withdrawn), where employees on notice were not eligible for the scheme. This has a massive implication for employers, who were considering putting employees back on to the more generous extended CJRS, because if they were thinking of dismissing an employee on grounds of redundancy or otherwise, they must give them notice before 1 December 2020. After 1 December 2020 it will mean that if an employer is serving notice, then the employee in question must be taken off the CJRS.
  • In addition another new quirk and one that not many employers will be aware of is the introduction of “From December 2020, HMRC will publish employer names for companies and Limited Liability Partnerships (’s), the company registration number of those who have made the claims under the scheme for the month of December onwards”. Rather than being a name and shame tactic, I presume this is intended as a further means of auditing as unfortunately there were some instances of employers (not in the travel industry as far as I am aware!) having employees work as normal and yet still claiming CJRS for these employees.
  • If employers have agreed to retrospectively furlough an employee with effect from 1 November 2020, they must have in place an agreement in place to retrospectively claim furlough by 13 November 2020 (this Friday).
  • Unlike under the previous CJRS that expired on 31 October 2020, (where the number of employees an employer could claim for was capped to the number of employees that had claimed for previous to June 2020), there is now no maximum number of employees an employer can claim for.

And a recap of what we already knew:

  • Extended CJRS will run from 1 November until 31 March 2021
  • For claim periods up to January 2021 the government will pay up to 80% (£2500 per month) for hours not worked. The percentage contribution from the government will be reviewed for February and March 2021 and may change.
  • Employers can claim for employees who were employed on 30 October 2020 and the employer had made a PAYE RTI submission to HMRC by 23:59 on 30 October 2020
  • Employers don’t have to have claimed furlough before.
  • Flexi furlough will continue to operate. Hours worked are paid as normal by the employer and furloughed hours are subject to the cap above.
  • Employees can be furloughed (but don’t have to be) if they are shielding or need to stay at home with someone who is shielding.
  • Employees that were on the payroll on 23 September 2020 and who were made redundant or stopped working for their employer after that date can be reemployed and claimed for. 

All in all the extended CJRS is greatly welcomed and is obviously more generous than the scheme ending on 31 October 2020, but the scheme is likely to taper down in government contribution as previously and moreover it may be too late for employers who have had to make difficult decisions having been told by quite categorically by the Chancellor in the summer that the furlough scheme would not be extended.

For further details please contact;

or call;

0113 258 0033

This article was originally published on: 11 November 2020

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