Hot Topics in Travel Law – August 2020

As part of our ongoing “Looking Forward” series, and following on from our well received Webinars across the Covid-19 period to date, we are pleased to announce a new season of semi-regular Webinars dealing with the topics which are most acutely affecting the travel & leisure industry at the time.

August 2020 sees Travel Law experts Stephen Mason, Gemma Wilson & Krystene Bousfield tackle subjects such as;

  • the up to date thinking on the legal effect of FCO advice
  • what companies can do to best position themselves for future bookings
  • the latest on Chargebacks, which continue to be a real barrier to companies getting back on their feet.

There will be many more talking points we are sure, and the team will also be available for some Q&A on the day, so bring your questions!

The Travlaw Team

Register for this event here

This article was originally published on: 6 August 2020

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