ITLN Conference places available….31st March 2017

UK member of the International Travel Law Network, Travlaw Solicitors, and hosts of the 2017 ITLN conference, cordially invite you to join us for an afternoon of discussion and debate; focusing on the hottest travel law topics of 2017, including:

• The new Package Travel Directive – what does it really mean for you?
• Illness Claims against the travel industry – can they be defeated? And how can destination hotels help us help them to stop this scandal?

Why you should attend?
This is a unique opportunity to learn from and engage in debate and conversation with expert speakers from across the continent. Our panel will feature a variety of expert lawyers from the UK and across Europe who will be prepared to answer all of your questions and queries regarding the burning topics which the travel industry faces in 2017.

Venue: RBS, 250 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3AA
31 March 2017
2.00pm – 6.00pm

Places are limited so RSVP now to to avoid disappointment!

This article was originally published on: 8 March 2017

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