Law Society Gazette Highlights Current Illness Problem…

Travlaw Statement On Illness Claims

We note that the Law Society Gazette is leading today with the news that The Solicitors Regulation Authority has contacted a number of Claims Management Companies (“CMC”s) regarding the still-increasing number of illness claims against holiday companies.

Travlaw warmly welcome this investigation. Acting as we do for so many holiday companies we know what a problem this is. The genuine claims that do exist are dwarfed by the many, many ones which are questionable. Access to justice is something we are firmly behind – but our clients also deserve that justice. Hopefully the SRA’s probe, in conjunction with the many efforts made by companies like Travlaw, plus the fine efforts of ABTA, will see a sensible end to this situation sooner rather than later.

The Travlaw Team

This article was originally published on: 20 March 2017

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