Luke to star at ABTA’s Complaints Seminar

As always, at Travlaw, we aim to keep the team busy and very much involved with the industry… so that is why we are delighted to announce that our very own Luke Golding will be joining the esteemed panel of speakers at ABTA’s guide on how to ‘Manage Customer Complaints’  seminar, in London, 1st December (bookings via ABTA).

This will be a full day of training offering practical advice and information which is aimed at the travel industry and designed to help improve your strategy in achieving successful customer complaint handling.

The panel will be offering interactive sessions and discussions, based on:

  • ABTA’s Code of Conduct
  • How to identify business risks
  • Managing people and processes
  • The effective use of social media
  • Using the evidence from your complaints
  • The arbitration process

The event promises to be a thoroughly enjoyable and informative seminar!

This article was originally published on: 26 October 2016

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