Selling Abroad – What Do You Need To Know?

FREE Webinar, Thursday 3rd November – 10am

As the pandemic becomes more & more of a distant memory, one of the regular questions we receive is “Are there any reasons why we can’t be selling our services to consumers in the EU, America and beyond?”

It is no secret that selling into the EU has become problematic since Brexit but, in this webinar, Nick Parkinson will give an overview of how businesses can sell their product abroad – whether into the UK, EU or beyond!

Senior Associate Nick Parkinson has appeared at a number of events recently, including ABTA’s Guide to the Package Travel Regulations, as well as events for AITO, Visit Aberdeen,  and is a regular on Travlaw’s own ‘Hot Topics’ series of webinars. 

Joining us to deliver this webinar will be Julie Jones from Travel & General who will set out how their European division, Arcus Solutions, can assist in delivering sales to some European Member states.

Please join us for what will be a key introduction to this very important area by clicking below. We look forward to seeing you then.

This article was originally published on: 27 October 2022

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