Test and Trace – implication for travel industry employers!

Test and Trace – implication for employers!

Today the Government launched the Test and Trace system, in its fight against COVID-19 and to ease up lockdown. An individual deemed to be at risk of catching COVID-19 due to contact with an infected person, will be instructed  to self- isolate for 14 days, although members of their families do not have to self-isolate unless someone in the house actually develops symptoms.

As a result, entitlement to statutory sick pay has been extended under The Statutory Sick Pay (General ) (Coronavirus Amendment) (No 4) Regulations 2020. This means that any employee who is asked to self-isolate by the Test and Trace team, because they have been notified that they have had contact with a person with coronavirus, will be eligible for Statutory Sick Pay at the current rate of £95.85, if they cannot work from home.

In order for the system to work, employers should therefore insist that a member of staff tells you if the Test and Trace team have contacted them. As an employer, you should insist that they self-isolate. This will ensure your other members of staff are not put under unnecessary risk. If they can work from home during the self-isolation period, you should let them do so. If they can’t, they will have to be paid either SSP or contractual sick pay.

For more info please contact Ami Naru on 01132 580033 or at

This article was originally published on: 28 May 2020

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