Travlaw at World Travel Market 2019

The Travlaw are at WTM 2019 this year!

As usual, we will be around and about at WTM, meeting old friends and new, attending appointments and generally enjoying ourselves!

If anyone is interested in speaking to any of the Travlaw team, please contact us at and we will be happy to set something up!

05/11/2019 – Travel Vault Pre-WTM Breakfast Seminar

Tuesday 5th November 2019 got off to a particularly fine start when Travlaw Senior Counsel Stephen was asked to participate in the Travel Vault Pre-WTM Breakfast Seminar, covering off legal topics and then being part of a panel with Martin Alcock & Matt Purser (Travel Trade Consultancy) and Alan Pattison (Travel Risk Professionals).

Stephen said of the event: “What a fantastic event! Thanks to everyone who came along, the speakers and to Travel Vault for inviting Travlaw to speak!

The Travlaw Team

This article was originally published on: 5 November 2019

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