Travlaw represented at ITB 2016!


“Stephen, Rivka, Anna and Luke to attend ITB 2016 in Berlin

 This year, a few of the Travlaw team will be attending the ITB conference in Berlin which takes place from the 9th – 13th March 2016, alongside other ITLN members.

As if this wasn’t exciting enough, Stephen is sitting on a panel on Friday 11th March discussing the EU Package Travel Directive alongside Gerd Billen – State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection; Michael Buller – Chairman, Association Internet Travel Distribution VIR; and Dr. Dietrich Kressel – Head of Legal Affairs, TUI Deutschland AG, Chairman of the DRV Legal Committee – to name a few!

 If any of our clients will be in Berlin for the conference, please look out for us and say Hello!

This article was originally published on: 25 January 2016

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