Travlaw signs the Menopause Workplace Pledge

Last year Travlaw, partnered with the Travel Talks Menopause campaign brilliantly driven by Lindsay Garvey-Jones and Julie Nunes, and we continue to support the great work they are doing in raising awareness of the menopause. Today Travlaw, as a further commitment to supporting women through the menopause in the workplace and demonstration of its commitment to the health and wellbeing of it’s staff have signed the Menopause Workplace Pledge.
Created by the charity Wellbeing of Women in partnership with Hello! Magazine, and sponsored by Bupa, around 300 organisations have already signed up, including large businesses such as Tesco, BMW Group, Channel 4, Sainsbury’s, and First Direct.

Almost 900,000 women in the UK have quit their jobs due to the menopause. If people affected by menopause feel supported at work, it can help to increase staff retention, reduce recruitment costs, improve productivity, happiness and wellbeing, and ensure a more diverse workforce.

In signing the Menopause Workplace Pledge, Travlaw have  committed to:
  • Recognising that the menopause can be an issue in the workplace and women need support
  • Talking openly, positively and respectfully about the menopause
  • Actively supporting and informing your employees affected by the menopause
Matt Gatenby, Senior Partner at Travlaw, said;
“The continued health and wellbeing of our staff has always been high on the agenda at Travlaw, and we have an open-door policy in place, and we encourage our team members to come to us with any concerns that are affecting them in the workplace so that we can best support them. Making the Menopause Workplace  pledge is a further commitment to that, and to putting our staff at the heart of every decision we make in order to provide a positive workplace for everyone.”

Ami Naru, Partner & Head of Employment law at Travlaw said;
“The mental and physical health and wellbeing of  our staff is a very important issue. I am really pleased that Travlaw has signed up to the Menopause Workplace pledge, I have noticed over recent years that more and more employers have women transitioning through the workplace and having queries on how to best support them and what their legal obligations are. Menopause in the workplace is here to stay, given that the biggest growing demographic of the workplace is women of menopausal age and if employers do not offer support, they will lose staff who often at the peak of their careers. Having said that, as I largely work for clients in the travel industry they want to do the right thing, and are putting in places steps to deal with menopause in the workplace.”
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0113 258 0033

This article was originally published on: 13 January 2022

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