Upcoming Events

Well, Storm Jorge put paid to their first attempt, and now the COVID-19 outbreak has delayed them further,  but fellow Travlaw-ers Sophie and Rachel will eventually strap on their parachutes and take part in a skydive for charity, even if no one’s quite sure when just yet…

Once things calm down and the world returns to whatever it can find that most resembles normality, we’ll get a new date, and they’ll jump. In the meantime, if you can spare a few quid for our chosen charity feel free to donate.

We’re currently preparing for a Sky Dive on Leap Day 2020! Some of our brave staff are hurling themselves from a plane on 29th February. Rachel and Sophie will skydive over East Yorkshire on leap day and they’d like to raise £400 each to help the cause – you can donate to that here. 

Our own Nick Parkinson has entered a popular race/sportive called the Paris Roubaix on 11th April 2020. This is famous for being a brutal ride through north east France, with over 100 miles with lots of bumpy cobbled roads, ending with a ride around the velodrome!

It’ll be a change from the comfy office seat he’s used to, and he’s looking to raise as much cash as possible, so please give generously! Look out for Nick’s fundraising link here soon!

Following that in May, Administrator Dave (by his own admission, not a man given to physical exertion) will be running the Cookridge Community 10K.

You can support the Travlaw Team by visiting our JustGiving Page here.

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