International Travel Law Network (ITLN)

Travlaw are founding members of the ‘International Travel Law Network (ITLN)’, a global network of leading travel and leisure lawyers who are recognised as experts within their jurisdiction.
With over 10 members based across Europe, and our global network ever expanding, ITLN is the premier network of leading travel and leisure lawyers.

For more information please visit the ITLN website here.

Latest news

Disclosure Wars (Taking Back Control)

In this article Nick Parkinson explores the latest skirmish in the ongoing disclosure wars between package organisers and Claimant law…

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The Employment Rights Bill- what does this actually mean?

On 10 October 2024, the government introduced the Employment Rights Bill 2024-25 (Bill) into Parliament, meeting its commitment to introduce…

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Chargeback – When the Industry fights back, & wins!

I have spoken many times about my frustrations of the chargeback process. Especially when those chargebacks are erroneously, ignorantly and…

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