
Here at Travlaw, we are 100% committed to serving the Travel Industry – from Tour Operators and Travel Agents to Airlines, Hotel Groups and their insurers.

Labour inspectors fine the Spanish Airline, Iberia €25,000

We were interested to hear that following a campaign, on the Balearic Islands to combat discrimination within the workplace, it…

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ITT Conference, Sorrento

The Travlaw Partners attended  the annual  ITT conference, in Sorrento. As always they packed plenty in to their busy schedule,…

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Travlaw at AITO HQ – June 2017

Travlaw at AITO HQ – June 2017 Farina and Laura were at AITO HQ in sunny Twickenham yesterday to conduct…

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PTD – Uk Implementation. Coming soon?

EU member states are expected to have implemented the PTD (Package Travel Directive EU 2015/2302) by 1st January 2017. There is…

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Law Society Gazette Highlights Current Illness Problem…

Travlaw Statement On Illness Claims We note that the Law Society Gazette is leading today with the news that The…

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ITLN Conference places available….31st March 2017

UK member of the International Travel Law Network, Travlaw Solicitors, and hosts of the 2017 ITLN conference, cordially invite you…

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Farina Azam speaking at AITO AGM today

Farina has been speaking, today, about the importance of indemnities in regard to supplier contracts and offering various tips, to…

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UKInbound – Plymouth

Matt and Farina were delighted to attend this year’s UKInbound annual Conference – the 40th Anniversary Conference no less –…

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2017 Big Tent Event another great success!

Tuesday 24th January 2017 saw Travlaw’s “Big Tent Event” once again take place at King’s Place in London. Another bumper…

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